The ELECTRA HOTELS & RESORTS group is a pioneering company that applies modern practices which are in step with modern business realities. The Group which aims to continually improve its internal operations and to provide quality services and safe products.
On the basis of this philosophy, the group has designed a Group Food Safety Management System which it has put into operation. The System has been drawn up in accordance with the requirements of ISO 22000: 2018 and concerns:
Provision of hot and cold kitchen products (hotel)
To ensure that management systems operate smoothly and are continually improving, the Management of the ELECTRA HOTELS & RESORTS group:
- Ensures that buildings and equipment are in excellent operational order
- Complies with product safety standards
- Provides the necessary training for its staff
- Complies with the rules of good hygiene practice
- Complies with the requirements of current European and Greek legislation and supervisory authorities
- On an ongoing basis reviews and improves, where possible, elements of its services and the efficiency of its processes, and consequently the management systems it implements.
- Sets measurable objective goals for product safety. The achievement of these objectives is established and evaluated as part of the General Management’s review of the FSMS.
- Provides the resources necessary to ensure the system operates smoothly, efficiently and effectively.
- Monitors, measures and evaluates the critical parameters and ensures the Quality and Safety of its services and products accordingly.
- Provides products which meet the safety standards agreed for customers and by competent authorities.
Adopting the principle of continuous improvement, the ELECTRA HOTELS & RESORTS group recognizes and rewards teamwork and individual effort, invests in people and respects its customers.The ELECTRA HOTELS & RESORTS group has announced this effort to all its Employees, Suppliers – Partners and Customers and invites them to stand by it in this project.
The vision of the ELECTRA HOTELS & RESORTS group is:
- To provide products that meet customer requirements and legislation
- For all its clients to be satisfied customers
- To continuously improve the quality of products and services provided
- To make all hotel staff aware of the Product Safety Policy philosophy and for this policy to become embedded in the hotels’ operations.
The aims of the ELECTRA HOTELS & RESORTS group are:
- To promote continual staff improvement through training programmes and also through recruiting trained employees
- To protect the environment and observe hygiene and safety rules
- To allocate sufficient resources to infrastructure and equipment in order to help maximize productivity
- To prevent the spread of Covid-19 by carefully observing the requirements and guidelines set out by EODY and EFET
- To continually improve the hotel FSMS by using the following tools effectively:
- Setting and reviewing goals.
- Management Review
- Internal Inspections
- Corrective and Preventive Actions
- Analysis of data resulting from completed files
The hotel’s measurable goals for achieving this safety policy are:
- Zero complaints from customers about the safety of products provided.
- All the results of laboratory analyses for our products to be within the limits set by European and Greek legislation.
To this end:
- We have developed and implemented a Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point System (HACCP) in accordance with the principles of ISO 22000: 2018.
- We are committed to continually improving the efficiency of the FSMS by allocating the necessary resources and through the General Management’s annual review.
- We ensure that our policy on the quality and safety of food inside the hotels is understood by all through continuous and systematic staff training.
- We are appointing a HACCP Team Coordinator per hotel to monitor the implementation of the above Systems.
01-2024 The General Management